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German-Dutch Commission (NDKK)  

The German-Dutch collaboration originated from an exchange of letters and memoranda in September/October 1977 between the Federal Minister of the Interior, at the time responsible for issues of nuclear safety and radiation protection, and the Dutch Minister for Public Health, Environmental Protection and Social Affairs concerning the mutual exchange of information and consultation with relation to nuclear facilities located in border regions.


Year established 1977
Participating authorities
  • Germany: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV; lead responsibility); the competent federal state ministries in Lower Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia
  • Netherlands: Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection(ANVS); Den Haag
Meetings Annual, chair alternates
Tasks The NDKK focusses on issues of nuclear safety and radiation protection.
Working groups
  • WG 1 Border region nuclear facilities
  • WG 2 Emergency response