An information portal of the Federal government and the Länder

German-Czech Commission (DTK)


Year established 1995 (constitutive meeting)
Participating authorities
  • Germany: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV; lead responsibility); the competent federal state ministries of Bavaria and Saxony
  • Czech Republic: The State Office for Nuclear Safety (Státní úřad pro jadernou bezpečnost / SÚJB)
Meetings Annual, chair alternates
Tasks The DTK is a framework for mutual exchange of information on developments in peaceful uses of nuclear energy, developments in the legal provisions for nuclear safety and radiation protection, and operating experiences with nuclear installations. This includes regular mutual reporting on the two nuclear power plants in Czechia, namely Dukovany and Temelin, and on German nuclear power plants, in particular the Isar plant.
Working groups None