An information portal of the Federal government and the Länder

German-Swiss Commission (DSK)


Year established 1983 (agreement entered into force)
Participating authorities
  • Germany: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV; lead responsibility); the competent federal state ministries of Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria
  • Switzerland: Federal Nuclear Safety Inspectorate (ENSI); Federal Office of Energy (BFE)
Meetings Annual, chair alternates
Tasks The agreement establishes mutual exchange of information between the contracting parties with regard to nuclear facilities in border regions. This applies, in particular, to facilities within 20km of the border on either side. The DSK focusses on issues related to the safety of nuclear installations, radiation protection, emergency response and radioactive waste management.
Working groups
  • WG 1 Plant safety
  • WG 2 Emergency response
  • WG 3 Radiation protection
  • WG 4 Radioactive waste management