Evaluation of personnel-related
requirements by the authorities
For the German nuclear power plants, the organisation charts, the persons responsible and their area of responsibility are documented in the plant personnel organisation (Personelle Betriebsorganisation – PBO). The PBO is part of the safety specification and the licensing document. The safety specifications include all operational and safety-related instructions, key information and action for safe operation, and all information and measures necessary for the management of incidents and accidents. During the licensing of the nuclear installation, the licensing authority checks whether the responsibilities have been specified in an appropriate manner. Any changes to the PBO require the approval of the licensing authority or the consent of the supervisory authority.
The licensing and supervisory authorities evaluate
- compliance with the requisite technical qualifications,
- the reliability of the licence holder’s responsible personnel and of all persons employed in safety-relevant areas, making reference to any information held by security authorities,
- the reliability of the applicant or licence holder (of a corporation) or the persons representing him (e.g. the board members or directors).