National Action Plan
The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) agreed on an Action Plan to follow up the implementation of the peer review recommendations at the European level. As a key element, it stated that national action plans would be prepared and made available by the end of 2012.
The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), working with the nuclear regulators at the Land level and the operators of the German nuclear power plants, then produced a National Action Plan for the implementation of measures in response to the Fukushima reactor accident.
The National Action Plan describes the current implementation status of the recommendations resulting from the review of the safety of all German nuclear power plants by the Reactor Safety Commission (RSK). GRS prepared an information notice (WLN) to improve the robustness of the nuclear power plants. Measures were adopted at all the plants, mainly in relation to accident management, and are being implemented within the framework of the regulatory procedures for the industry. A separate chapter in the National Action Plan describes the deliberations of the German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK) on off-site nuclear emergency preparedness and response.
To follow-up the implementation of the results, updated National Action Plans were published in 2015 and 2016. The completed Action Plan dated December 2017 illustrates the status of implementation of measures after the Fukushima accident in Germany.
ENSREG workshop on the national action plans
The European Nuclear Safety Regulators Group (ENSREG) organised a workshop led by Germany from 22-26 April 2013, where the participating countries outlined their plans and reported on the stage reached in the implementation of the EU stress test results. The goal was for the participating countries to agree on a widely harmonised approach to risk reduction with regard to extreme events in nuclear power plants while retaining national responsibility for nuclear safety.
In all, 68 experts from 21 EU member states, Ukraine and Switzerland and 11 observers from three other countries (Armenia, Canada and Taiwan) and the IAEA participated in the workshop. It was shown that lessons were being learned from the nuclear accident in Fukushima and that the implementation of measures had already commenced. ENSREG approved the final report of the workshop in late May 2013 and published it on its website on 10 June 2013. .
A second workshop on national action plans was held in Brussels in April 2015. The goal of the workshop was a mutual exchange of information among participating countries on progress made with implementation and a discussion on technical and organisational measures to increase nuclear safety. The workshop showed that many countries had already completed the implementation of the measures identified in the national action plans or were on course to complete them by 2016. ENSREG published the summary report of the workshop on 30 June 2015.