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Unit B Gundremmingen nuclear power plant


Unit B Gundremmingen nuclear power plant in Bavaria is operated by Kernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH. Commercial operation began in 1984. Authorisation for power operation in accordance with the German Atomic Energy Act (AtG) expired on 31 December 2017.


General information

Federal stateBavaria
Type (construction line)Boiling water reactor (construction line 72)
Current operatorKernkraftwerk Gundremmingen GmbH
OwnerPreussenElektra GmbH, RWE Nuclear GmbH

Operational data

Application date15 March1974
Start of construction20 July 1976
First criticality9 March 1984
First grid synchronisation16 March 1984
Start of commercial operation19 July 1984
Expiry of authorisation for power operation in accordance with the German Atomic Energy Act (AtG)31 December 2017
Shutdown data31 December 2017

Technical data

Thermal reactor power3,840 MW
Gross electric capacity1,344 MW
Net electric capacity1,284 MW
Number of reactor coolant pumps8 axial recirculation pumps
Number and mass of fuel elements784, total fuel mass excluding structural material approx. 136 t
Number of fuel rods per fuel element10x10 fuel rod configuration
Composition of the nuclear fuelUO2/PuO2 (uranium dioxide, uranium-plutonium MOX)
Number of control elements193
Type of cooling systemWater cooling tower