Dismantling and disassembly techniques Dismantling and disassembly techniques are needed for a wide range of tasks and applications during the dismantling of nuclear facilities. Components must be rem
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Radioactive waste management Radioactive substances that are produced during the dismantling of a nuclear plant and cannot be disposed of safely (for example through reuse in another nuclear facility)
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Nuclear facilities In November 1960, the Kahl experimental reactor, located near Aschaffenburg in Lower Franconia, was the first German nuclear power plant to go into operation. In 1989, Neckarwesthei
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Decontamination techniques Decontamination techniques are used to remove adherent radionuclides (contamination). This improves radiation protection and is a key prerequisite for clearance. Systems and
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Intake of iodine tablets In a nuclear power plant, the fission process produces radioactive iodine, along with various other radioactive and non-radioactive substances. During a nuclear accident, radi
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Alternatives to on-site disassembly Major components such as steam generators or reactor pressure vessels are not always disassembled on-site, they may be removed whole and transported for further pro
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Federal authorities and other organisations BMUV: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protecion (external link) BASE: Federal Office for the Safety o
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Residue and waste management One of the most important tasks related to dismantling nuclear facilities is dealing with residues and wastes. The term "residue and waste management" encompasses all the
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Principles of radiation protection Ionising radiation may produce deterministic and stochastic effects. Deterministic effects only occur once a threshold of exposure (i.e. a specific dose) has been ex
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Types of ionising radiation There are various types of ionising radiation: Alpha radiation Alpha radiation is a form of particle radiation. Alpha particles are helium-4 nuclei: they consist of two pro
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