Unit 1 Greifswald nuclear power plant Summary Decommissioning of Unit 1 Greifswald nuclear power plant (KGR 1) in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern is being carried out by EWN Entsorgungswerk für Nuklearanlagen
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Planning zones In any release of radioactive substances, the scale of the response depends on the distance from the plant and on prevailing weather conditions. In 2014, the German Commission on Radiol
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Advice for the public: what to do in an emergency The authorities’ emergency management plans are designed to ensure that all measures for your protection can be implemented quickly and effectively. I
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Basic Recommendations The Basic Recommendations for Emergency Preparedness in the Vicinity of Nuclear Installations aim to ensure that the Länder authorities’ emergency plans for the areas surrounding
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Reportable events The Nuclear Safety Officer and Reporting Ordinance (Atomrechtliche Sicherheitsbeauftragten- und Meldeverordnung – AtSMV) of 14 October 1992 (Federal Law Gazette (BGBl.) I, 1766) esta
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Laws/ordinances Pursuant to Article 70 of the German constitution (Grundgesetz – GG, the Basic Law), the Länder are responsible for mounting an immediate emergency response through disaster control. T
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Compendium of Measures A Compendium of Measures to Reduce Radiation Exposure Following Events with not Insignificant Radiological Consequences (Catalogue of Countermeasures) has been produced to assis
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Alert criteria Criteria determining when the operators of nuclear facilities should alert the disaster control authority (alert criteria) have been developed in order to ensure that these authorities
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Basic Radiological Principles The Basic Radiological Principles for Decisions on Measures for the Protection of the Population against Accidental Releases of Radionuclides are the basis for the Recomm
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Science How does a nuclear power plant work? What is a pressurised water reactor (PWR)? What is nuclear fission? What effects does radiation have on our bodies? What happens when a nuclear plant reach
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